This assignment was really exciting as I have never really used photoshop before nor have I shaded forms before. Believe it or not I went to do this assignment on a day that the cage was closed, so I was unable to rent out a tablet and stylus. My peers and I went with it and did the entire assignment with just a mouse. Here are the steps I took. Above you can see my basic outlines of the figures. The arrows indicate the direction of light. Next I went through and did the basic process of shading using my five custom swatches. Later I go through once again bringing the opacity down to 50% to really get rid of those sharper blends. Finally I use a mixer brush to really blend the different swatches and make it a smoother transition from one to the other. On the right you can also see the different layers I used to keep this process efficient and organized. I have a background layer, a form layer, and a shading layer. Here we have the fini...